[Wilco] 她是個罐頭

Wiilco T-shirt
有個Joystiq的讀者上傳了一張T-shirt的圖片,是他從Wilco演唱會上買來的,上面有六個象徵團員的Wii風格小頭像,然後下面寫著Wiilco(Wilco變成Wiilco,了吧?)。非常可愛吧?讓人也想要搶購一件下來。如果說這一兩年,有什麼樂團我過去從來不認識、卻突然在第一次聆聽經驗就讓我傾心不已,那Wilco鐵定位列榜首。溫暖而又有回甘韻味的曲風,充滿文學性的感傷歌詞,讓我總覺得好像看得懂箇中含意,卻又完全不知道怎麼翻譯。這種微妙的感覺,尤其適合用來形容She’s a jar這首奇妙的歌曲。「她是個罐頭,而且還有個很難打開的蓋子。」你可以把這段歌詞想成是某種邪惡的性暗示,當然,不過你也可以想成是一種心碎的悲鳴。


She’s a jar
– by Wilco

She’s a jar
With a heavy lid
My pop quiz kid
A sleepy kisser
A pretty war
With feelings hid
She begs me not to miss her

She says forever
To light a fuse
We could use
A hand full of wheel
And a day off
And a bruised road
However you might feel
Tonight is real

When I forget how to talk, I sing
Wont you please
Bring that flash to shine
And turn my eyes red
Unless they close
When you click
And my face gets sick
Like a question unposed

Just climb aboard
The tracks of a trains arm
In my fragile family tree
And watch me floating inches above
The people under me

Please beware the quiet front yard
I warned you
Before there were water skies
I warned you not to drive
Dry your eyes, you poor devil

Are there really ones like these?
The ones I dream
Float like leaves
And freeze to spread skeleton wings
I passed through before I knew you

I believe it’s just because
Daddy’s payday is not enough
Oh, I believe it’s all because
Daddy’s payday is not enough

Just climb aboard
The tracks of a trains arm
In my fragile family tree
And watch me floating inches above
The people under me

She’s a jar
With a heavy lid
My pop quiz kid
A sleepy kisser
A pretty war
With feelings hid
You know she begs me not to hit her

9 thoughts on “[Wilco] 她是個罐頭

  1. 很棒的一首歌,如果能在夕陽灑成一片金黃的沙灘上,邊喝著啤酒或可樂,邊聽著這首歌該有多好。

    btw,好想聽看看同專輯的另一首 🙂

  2. waylim,



    403 forbidden…旁邊的Action Shot很勁啊XD

  3. Pingback: [Wilco] 我記得,沒道理的日本人 | 遊戲噗

  4. Pingback: Wilco|She’s Jar « Rainknife’s Weblog

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